Half-Life: Counter-Strike is the ultimate multiplayer gaming experience, combining all the elements of the Half-Life online universe with new single and multiplayer content. At the heart of this package is Counter-Strike, the number one played online action game built as an add-on for Half-Life, the PC CD-ROM named Game of the Year by over 50 publications worldwide.
Counter-Strike is team-based, and casts players in the role of terrorist or counter-terrorist. Each team has access to different ammunition and equipment, and each player has unique attributes and the ability to upgrade their gear as they successfully complete each mission. A growing number of missions are available, each having specific goals, such as rescuing a hostage or eliminating key enemy structures.
This is the full version 1.1 Windows Half-Life Mod release. Download this if you don't have CS installed.
If you do have Counter Strike, download the update which updates Half-Life: Counter-Strike to the most current version. This update is for the retail version Half-Life: Counter-Strike only.
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